About Me

Hello! Welcome to my little adventure, and thank you for stopping by to check it out! My name is Skyler, I’m a 27 year old Norse Pagan who has finally decided to take that leap of faith and follow a dream. I have always LOVED the arts, anything from poetry and painting to the dream catchers and candles you see on here. I’ve always had to have something in the arts to do in my free time, it’s the only thing that keeps me sane in this crazy world. I’m lucky enough that I’ve found a niche in both my hobbies and my spirituality, and can combine the two into what I hope will one day be passed on to my babies if they want it. I love what I’m doing here, and I hope it brings you as much peace and sense of fulfillment as it does me. Much love, and thank you again for spending a moment with me!


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions feel free to send me a message on here and I will get back to you as soon as I can!